Fighting the War #93032 48” X 66” oc Picasso: “Guernica” (1937) David: “Napoleon Bonaparte Crossing the Alps by the Great Saint Bernard Pass” According […]
Art-Loving Napoleon #92024 48” X 36” oc David: “Napoleon in His Studio” Renoir: “On the Terrace” (1881) Gauguin: “Two Women on the Beach” (1891) Picasso: “La […]
Music-Loving Napoleon #93033 48” X 36” oc David: “Napoleon in His Studio” Renoir: “Girls at the Piano” (1892) Monet: “Two Haystacks” (1891) Still Life a la […]
Napoleon Picnic #94017 48” X 36” oc Giorgione: “Rural Concert” (1510) Gauguin: “Two Women on the Beach” (1891) David: “Napoleon in His Study” Bonnard: “Yellow and […]