Mixing East-West
Mixing East-West #89057 56″ X 48″ ac Picasso: “Still Life with Hat (Cezanne’s Hat)”, 1908-09, private collection Cezanne: “Apples and Oranges”, 1900-05. Louvre, Paris Chinese […]East and West 2
East and West 2 #77001 72″ X 50″ ac Japan: Peacock (Kujaku-myoo), vertical small scroll, Heian period (791-1155) first half of 12th century. One […]Creative Minds
Creative Minds #88039 72″ X 50″ ac Since the introduction of Buddhism into China during the Tang Dynasty, the religious speculation of India has been […]Bacchus drunk in Kyoto
酒神醉京都 #86040 36″ X 48″ oc 24″x32″/12″x16″ Print Caravaggio: “Bacchus Adolescent,” 1592. Ufizi, Florence Kunisada: “Shimaigedekiso (from ‘the 32 Contemporary Marks’)” “A Woman of Edo,” […]Competition
Competition #78007 30″ X 40″ ac 30″ X 40″/24″ X 32″ Print Dr. T.F. Chen’s Competition, featured in the “Globalism” section (p.687) in the university-level art […]East and West 3
East and West 3 #77002 183 X 127 cm ac Liang K’ai: “Portrait of the Poet Li Po,” 13th century. National Museum of Tokyo. The […]Dreaming Butterfly
Dreaming Butterfly #83007 111.8 X 147.3 cm ac Postcard photo of Marilyn Monroe “Buddha as Medicine”; the esoteric Yakushi Nyorai Raphael: “Sistien Madonna”, Dresden, Gemaldefalerie. The […]Picasso Versus Chinese
Picasso Versus Chinese #89048 76.2 X 101.6 cm ac Depending upon the time of his life, there was a Blue Picasso and a Pink Picasso and […]