War and Peace
War and Peace #90002 168 X 244 cm ac Rogier Van der Weyden: Descent From the Cross, ca. 1440. Prado, Madrid. Georges Braque: The Bird and […]Love Our Planet
Love Our Planet 130 X 86 cm ac Monet: “Haystack” (1890) The astronauts’ landing on the Moon and taking photo of our Earth floating upon […]Blessed Love
Blessed Love #81001 130 x 95 cm ac Jan van Eyck: “Arnolfini Marriage”, 1434. national Gallery, London Picasso: “The Sculptor’s Studio”, 1933, etching. The portrait […]Love Above Rich and Poor
Love Above Rich and Poor #87009 88 X 130 cm oc Picasso: “Frugal Meal”, etching, 1904 Cezanne: “Fruit Dish and Apples” Chagall: “Resurrection at the […]God Is Love
God Is Love #02008 91 X 130 cm ac Dali: Christ of St. John of the Cross (1951) The September 11th terrorist attacks were a […]Five Races in Harmony 2
Five Races in Harmony 2 #84008 130 X 98 cm ac Since the Olympic Games started in Greece, the spirit of fair game, the sportsmanship, […]Happy Valentine’s Day, America!
Happy Valentine’s Day, America! 94 X 130 cm ac “A Gemini stance, a hovering heart. The Statue, so powerful in its promise of love, breaks […]Five Racesin Harmony 1
Five Racesin Harmony 1 #84003 130 X 98 cm ac Matisse: “Dance” (1909) Besides van Gogh, T. F. Chen was attracted to Matisse’s art, due […]