Art For Humanity/United Nations

Press Pictures


In 2001, T. F. Chen received the “Global Tolerance Award “ at United Nations in New York

陳錦芳博士受頒聯合國2001年「全球寬容獎」及榮任「寬容及和平文化大使」後致謝詞。 陳博士授獎留影Chen-GlobalToleranceHoldingAward-WebLarge 陳錦芳博士在受頒全球寬容獎後接受名演員Danny Glover的祝福

(left to right) In 2001, the Friends of the United Nations honored Dr. TF Chen with a “Global Tolerance Award” and designated him a “Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace.” TF Chen giving his Acceptance Speech at the United Nations. / Dr Chen holding his Global Tolerance Award. / Dr. Chen and wife Lucia, sharing a joke with actor Danny Glover, at the Global Tolerance Award Ceremony.

陳錦芳博士一家人與聯合國之友總裁Dr.Noel Brown合影(11.3)Chen-GlobalToleranceFamilyChen-GlobalToleranceFamily 近千人參加的大會上.兩側的大銀幕同步播映演講者的特寫鏡頭。陳錦芳在巨畫前演講一瞥

Dr. Noel Brown, President of the Friends of the United Nations, with Dr. TF Chen and family: Lucia, Ted and Julie. / 近千人參加的大會上.兩側的大銀幕同步播映演講者的特寫鏡頭。陳錦芳在巨畫前演講一瞥

1987年陳氏夫婦參加第一屆巴黎國際藝術家協會與部分與會者合照 陳錦芳與其夫人侯幸君於1987年AAI國際藝術會議陳錦芳是該會美術組主席演講後與楊‧克魯格,瑞士收藏家及學者合拍留影於巴黎Hotel Inter-Continental

In 1987, the Chens attended the first International Artists’ Organization in Paris. Chen was the Chair of the Art Group in the Committee, here is Chen and his wife with the Swiss Art Collector Yang Keluarga at the Hotel Inter-Continental in Paris.

國是論塙-政治領袖會面 等世界頂尖人物 -1 國是論塙-政治領袖會面 等世界頂尖人物 -2 國是論塙-政治領袖會面 等世界頂尖人物-3 2000年紐約世界國是論壇陳錦芳和女兒玉立與世界宗教領袖

(Left to right)The State of the World Forum gathered over 900 leaders in the fields of politics, religion, business, government, NGO’s, etc. / 2000 – Dr. Chen and his daughter Julie at the State of the World Forum in NYC. Chen’s artworks were used as backdrops to all of the events, attended by 900 world leaders.

世界和平會議與嘉賓合照 陳錦芳、侯幸君夫婦與美國參議院外交關係委員會主席 Richard. G. Lugar 參議員合照于世界和平國際會議。(2002年12月28日,華府) 2009-12-24 在華府陳錦芳、侯幸君夫婦與科斯達. 利加前總統 Rodrigo Carazo及第一夫人

(Left to right)Dr. TF Chen and wife Lucia were invited to International Conference on World Peace (12/28/2002, Washington, DC). They enjoyed meeting many VIP’s such as: Senator and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Richard G. Lugar; Former President of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Carazo and First Lady, etc.

陳錦芳在全世界追求和平的各界領袖會議演講後接受DrStevenRockefeller勒克裴洛地球憲章發起人致意 陳錦芳夫婦與聯合國文教處(UNESCO)的代表.南韓的Dr. Yersn Kim 與墨西哥總統合影PresVincentFoxMexico-世界領袖會議 侯幸君與紐約州州長Pataki討論-陳錦芳的為人類而藝術巡迴展

TF & Lucia accept greetings from Dr. Steven Rockefeller, the Founder of the Global Constitution, after TF speech at world leaders, regarding “The Pursuit of Global Peace.” / TF & Lucia with Dr. Yeon Kim, South Korea representative for UNESCO. / TF & Lucia with the Mexican President Vincent Fox at the Global Leader Committee. / Lucia and NY State Governor Pataki, discussing TFChen’s “Art for Humanity” World Tour.

數十年好友Ray等人特別從舊金山來祝賀合影 賓客雲集 陳錦芳台美基金會人文獎受獎致謝詞 陳錦芳接受台美基金會董事長王桂榮頒發的人文獎

(Left to right)The Taiwan-US Foundation honored Dr. TF Chen with a prestigious Lifetime of Humanities Achievement Award. TF Chen accepted the Award from Chairman Wang. / Guests came to celebrate, pose for pictures and listen to Chen’s speech.

全球和平電影祭 聯合國之友與陳氏夫婦日本之行 聯合國副秘書長與侯幸君就陳錦芳的為人類而藝術巡迴展討論(日本和平影展會議中)

At the Global Peace Film Festival in Japan, TF & Lucia with Dr. Noel Brown, Friends of the United Nations. Vice Secretary of the UN and Lucia Chen discussing the “TF Chen’s Art for Humanity World Tour.”

美國有名參議員愛德華‧甘迺迪擁有陳錦芳的原作 美國眾議員史迪芬‧索拉志夫婦與陳氏夫婦 受邀參加在萬里長城奧運龍大典致詞並捐獻作品給扶貧基金會 在防癌協會與紐約市長 在電視上美國防癌中心以陳氏作品「後梵谷」系列的一幅No Smoking與紐約市長共同在電視向市民鼓勵禁煙(這是「為人類而藝術」的一個行動表現)

TF & Lucia with US Senator Edward Kennedy. /The Chens with US Congressman Steven Solarz./ TF & Lucia donating an artwork to the Anti-Poverty Foundation at the Long Wall Olympic Dragon Ceremony./TF liked to use his artwork to connect with society while also promoting a positive social message. Here he created the image “No Smoking!” that was well-used to promote a cancer prevention campaign. /The Chens showcase “No Smoking” with the NYC Mayor at that time at an American Cancer Society event.

1978 年華府當代藝術舘展覽 1978年在美國費城之「藝術聯盟」(現代藝術中心)做首次在美重要畫展(1) 1978費城現代美術館展羅倫斯(照片左一)策展陳錦芳在費城之「藝術聯盟」(現代藝術中心)做首次在美重要畫展,1978年。

MOMA Exhibition, 1978. /Dr. Chen’s first simple art exhibition in the US at the “Art League” in Philadephia, 1978./ TF & Lucia with Lawrence Jeppson, renowned art critic and curator.

1996年舉行「陳錦芳六十回顧展」。開幕時陳氏夫婦接受電視採訪當天東西方賓客雲集。 1996年開幕盛況 大樓空間成了紐約市最大畫廊空間 紐約市文化官員代表市長致詞陳錦芳60回顧在紐約陳錦芳文化館展1996-TFCultural center OpeningCeremony 紐約陳錦芳美術館大樓開幕1996

(Left to right) The TF Chen Museum building in SoHo, hosted the TF Chen “60 Year Retrospective 1951-1996” during its Opening Ceremony in 1996. / In 1996, The Grand Opening for the TF Chen Museum Building (which at the time, was the largest art center in NYC) / There was a great turn out, including the New York City Mayor and many other Cultural Officials / The Art Center hosted TF Chen’s “60 Year Retrospective 1951-1996” and dozens of other art and cultural activities./1996 – TF Chen and family, at the “Art For Humanity” Exhibit at the TF Chen Museum Opening.

世界領袖成員參觀紐約陳錦芳文化館陳錦芳畫展-1 世界領袖成員參觀紐約陳錦芳文化館陳錦芳畫展 (2) 在陳錦芳文化館在同天每一層不同的文化藝術活動

A group of World Leaders visiting TF Chen’s exhibition at the T.F. Chen Cultural Center in SoHo, NYC. / TF & Lucia have hosted countless art and cultural events and exhibits at TF Chen Cultural Center.

陳錦芳文化館每一層的展場136英呎長在100坪左右 新世界藝術中心一景

The T.F. Chen Cultural Center: A six floors of dramatic gallery space, each floor measuring 3,500sqft. / The view of the New World Art Center.

陳錦芳應荷蘭收藏家兼慈善家Jacob Dekker 之邀到中美洲古拉叟舉行畫並由該地總督開幕後合照 上百年世界最老的藝術雜誌發行人Milrom Estrew參觀陳錦芳畫展 世界大師羅森揆參觀陳錦芳畫展 與哈佛大學舉行的媒體與文化中國主持人杜維明合影 韓國名藝術家白南準造訪陳錦芳於蘇荷區之陳宅

Jacob Gelt Dekker – the Dutch art collector and philanthropist — invited Dr. TF Chen to have a One Man Show (filling four floors) at the Grand Opening of the Jacob Gelt Dekker Cultural Institute and Kura Hulanda (a UNESCO World Heritage site). Here they are at the Opening with the Governor of Curacao and his wife. /Milton Esterow – one of the oldest art magazine– visiting TF Chen’s art Show at Lucia Gallery. / World Master Rosenquet visiting Lucia Gallery./TF & Lucia Chen with prof. Wei-Ming Du, the Chinese Anchor of Media and Culture with Harvard University. Nam June Paik, the famous Korean artist, visits New World Art Center in SoHo.

受邀華府國會山莊畫廊展覽 加州州立大學陳錦芳新意象派個展幕歐陽瑞雄大使張夢麟文化參市及大學主任共同主持陳錦芳畫展開幕 聯合國青年交響樂團的演奏。TECO 2002-在紐約大使館「為人類而藝術」展覽

TF Chen has been invited to have one man show at the White House Gallery. 1979 / TF Chen’s “Neo-Iconography” One Man Show at California State University. The Ambassador Ouyang Rui Xiong Zhang Menglin, other Cultural Officers, and City and University Directors all attended the Opening Ceremony. / The United Nations’ Youth Symphony Orchestra playing music at the Grand Opening of one of TF Chen’s shows, hosted by TECO/2002 – Art For Humanity Exhibition at TECO.

紐約東森電視台 王一如 訪問為人類而藝術 專訪 “The Arts can be an expression of what is sacred and alive within us, within human civilization. If you feed your soul with the Arts and cultivate your character with their beauty, you will never be poor. This is a message our children need to hear. And as our world converges more and more, we are blessed to enjoy the creative gifts of artists of all backgrounds, from throughout human history. In this age of advanced technology, besides ‘hardware’ and ‘software,’ we are also called to cultivate ‘SOULWARE’ -- a new spirit of Love and Globalism.” In this Tour, we celebrate this Soulware with ‘Art for Humanity’s sake,’ art that reflects and encourages this new global village in which we live... -- Dr. T.F. Chen, Initiator of the Art For Humanity World Tour

Yi-Ru Wang from ETTV New York, interviewing Lucia and visiting the “Art for Humanity” Exhibition. /Dr. Chen featured in a 10 page interview article in a famous Japanese magazine./ TF Chen art and theory has been featured in more than 300 textbooks in 37 countries. For example, artwork Celebrating Human Education graces the cover of a university textbook.


TF Chen’s artwork: “Toward the 21 St Century, Symphony of World Culture.” Size 110 x 560”. 1996.

1991年喜愛藝術的李登輝總統參觀陳錦芳畫展於台北市立美術館-2。 1991年喜愛藝術的李登輝總統參觀陳錦芳畫展於台北市立美術館-1

Former President of Taiwan, Lee Teng-hui, loves TF Chen’s art work and visited many of his art exhibits. Here he is visiting Chen’s One Man Show at the Taipei Museum, with the media taking photos. At the end of the afternoon, TF and Lucia presented the Former President with a silkscreen of “No Smoking” for his collection.

在國立台灣美術館展陳錦芳夫婦與郭維藩前台中林市長劉館長等交流 帝門畫廊展覽博士作品日本友人前來參觀 黃醫師等參觀美術館展覽 電視採訪陳錦芳「後馬蒂斯」系列展1995

(Left to right) At the Grand Opening of Dr. Chen’s One Man Show at the Taiwan Museum, TF poses with the Head of the Cultural Department, the City Mayor, and other officials (1990). / Dr. Chen’s “Post Van Gogh Series” showing at different gallery sites./Many TV media interview Dr.TF Chen on his “Post-Matisse Series,” 1995.

老師講解陳錦芳的「21世紀文化交響曲」 每次陳錦芳的展覽,當地的教育局都會讓學生來參觀

Teachers and their students enjoying TF Chen’s art: “Toward the 21 St Century, Symphony of World Culture” – a Grand mural of 110 x 560”./ Many art teachers would bring their students to come learn art education at TF Chen’s shows.

陳氏作品八十件在台北市美術館個展,各媒體大肆報導1991 陳錦芳在北美館展時推動大眾藝術教育及台灣的精神建設

Dr. TF Chen’s exhibited 80 artworks at his One Man Show at the Taipei Museum, which was widely covered by the media, 1991./ TF at his One Man Show at the Taipei Fine Art Museum.

贈送給董氏基金會的「禁止吸菸」絹版 新光三越 大樓外飄著展覽的旗幟於1993年 蕭萬長等蒞臨參觀

TF donating his artwork “No Smoking” to the Foundation for No Smoking. / In 1993, TF Chen was invited to have a One Man Show at ShingKwang Mitsukoshi. The exterior showed the TF Chen Exhibition banner./ The Vice President of Taiwan and other Officials visit TF’s One Man Show at the first International Art Fair in Taipei.

總統一行人特別參觀陳錦芳在國際藝博會展媒體報導 國父紀念館展覽

China News features a picture of the President and Art Professors visiting TF Chen’s One Man Show at the first International Art Fair in Taipei. / Dr. TF Chen was invited to exhibit his “Art for Humanity” Exhibit at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Museum. Here is the flier.


The Principal of Tainan’s First Senior High School giving an award to TF Chen. / School students playing music for the TF Chen Exhibition. /  TF Chen was invited to exhibit and lecture at the 90th Anniversary of the renowned Tainan First Senior High School.


SONY DSC 2007.3立法院展覽前立法院副院長鍾榮吉剪綵

To celebrate the 90th Anniversary in Tainan, the school featured an exhibition of TF Chen, here is the Ribbon-cutting at the Grand Opening. /The Dept of Legislative Yuan invited TF Chen to showcase his “Art For Humanity” Exhibition; the Vice President Jung-Chi Chung cut the Ribbon at the Opening Ceremony.

陳錦芳美術館及文化藝術基金會在台北市敦化北路Chen Tsing Fang art Museum Taipei 2015

Chen Tsing-fang (TF Chen) Fine Art Museum and the TF Chen Art & Cultural Foundation, on the Dun Hwa North Rod in Taipei, 2015.June

Dr. Chen and the representations of the United Nations (including Dr. Brown), in front of TF Chen’s artwork.
Dr. Chen’s first exhibition in the States at “Art League”(Modern Art Center) in Philadelphia, 1978.
Dr. Chen painting at their Soho gallery(250 Lafayette St. NYC).
TF & Lucia interviewed at the Opening of their T.F. Chen Cultural Center in SoHo (six floors covering 20,000sqft).
Dr. TFChen in front of his masterpiece, speaking to a crowd of 1000 world leaders at the State of the World Forum, 1998.
TF Chen exhibited more than 80 of his artworks in a One Man Show at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 1991. It was widely covered by the media.
An exhibition of Dr. TF Chen hosted by Harriette and Charles Luckman, at University of California, LA.
Jim Garrison, the Chairman of the State of the World Forum, giving a speech at the closing ceremony in front of TFChen’s masterpiece in 1998.
During” the International Art Association” meeting in NYC, Dr. Chen is reelected as the Chairman of the Art delivery key note in English , 1988.
Dr. Chen, the Art section Chairman of the “International Art Association “meeting, held by AAI in Paris, with the Chairmen of the Music and Dance Group, 1987.















2002 Dr. & Mme. Chen at the God & World Peace Conference( Washington D.C. 12/2002)

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Art For Humanity World Tour New York

Oct. 12 to Dec. 10 ,06 at TF Chen Cultural Center SoHo NYC

Nov 2nd-15th,06 at 798 Avant Gallery Chelsea NYC

(Please click on the image above to view detailed information)

September 29, 2015

Since 1970, Dr. T. F. Chen has held more than 200 one-man shows in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Dr. Chen’s recent and current exhibitions include:

250Lafayette-1stFlFront Dr. T. F. Chen shows permanently in his Museum Building at 250 Lafayette Street in SoHo, NYC.
museum_01 On April 20th, 2002, Dr. Chen opened his exhibit at the Jacob Gelt Dekker Institute for Advanced Cultural Studies on the occasion of the Grand Opening of Kura Hulanda, one of the newest and most dynamic World-Class Cultural Centers, located on a Dutch-Colonial UNESCO World Heritage site in Willemstad, Curacao.
WorldFamilyinPeace Dr. Chen exhibited and lectured at the Taiwan Center in San Diego, CA; Houston, TX and in Los Angeles, CA (May 11 - July 30th 2002; January 2003).
ILoveYouSingingAndDancing20012 Dr. Chen's "Jade Mountain: Love and Peace Series" is currently traveling on a three-year touring exhibition in Taiwan (July 20th, 2000 - October 20th, 2002).
Chen-GlobalTolerance5-2 On December 11th, 2001, Dr. T. F. Chen was the first artist-painter to receive a "Global Tolerance Award" from the United Nations. Dr. Chen was honored for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace, tolerance and love; and for his art of multiculturalism; a body of work expressing a shared vision of humanity. As a desig-nated "Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace" with the Friends of the United Nations, Dr. Chen is working in partnership with the FUN for a World Art Campaign called: "Building A Culture of Tolerance and Peace through the Arts."
State_of_the_W_F In 1998 and 2000, Dr. T. F. Chen was invited to exhibit his masterpieces at the State of the World Forum. The State of the World Forum 2000 brought together over 1,000 key leaders from around the world in the fields of business, politics, science, technology, education, and the humanities in a combination of lectures, roundtable discussions, and social events focused on issues affecting us all. For more information on the State of the World Forum, please visit
September 28, 2015

2006-2010 The Art For Humanity Exhibition

T.F. Chen Cultural Center, SoHo NYC: This bold, powerful exhibit showcases 30 original paintings by Dr. Chen as well as dozens of available prints. Many of these major works have been shown at the United Nations, the State of the World Forum, the God & World Peace Conference, etc. All sales of Museum Store gift items, art books and prints go towards raising funds for the “Art For Humanity World Tour.” Group tours available.
September 28, 2015

Arts For Humanity Invitation

“Arts For Humanity” A World Tour 2005 – 2010

Embracing Cultural Harmony We invite your participation & support. The Arts For Humanity World Tour will organize and provide powerful exhibits, cultural events, and educational programs; focusing on issues of peace, tolerance, and cultural diversity. Museums, galleries, universities, and organizations who are interested in advancing the importance of Art Education and positive values of Art as a vehicle for global peace expression, or who would like to enhance their existing programs are welcome to participate. We invite you to become a member, arrange or sponsor an exhibition/event in your area, or intern/work with us professionally. Please watch for our upcoming Commercial to be aired this year. The initiator of this project, Dr. T.F. Chen, is a master artist, painter, art historian, writer, philosopher, visionary, and founder of his own Cultural Center and Foundation in SoHo, NYC. In 2001, Dr. Chen was honored with the Global Tolerance Award from the Friends of the United Nations and designated a Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace, for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace and for his art of multiculturalism—a body of work that inspires worldwide cultural harmony and progress. Dr. Chen’s artistic life spans more than half a century. A Taiwanese-American, Dr. Chen was the first Asian to earn a Ph. D in art history from Univ. of Paris (La Sorbonne) while simultaneously studying at the Nat’l Superior School of Fine Arts, where he established "Fifth-Dimensional World Culture" in theory (1969) and initiated "Neo-Iconography" (Neo-I) in painting. Renowned for his artistic style, philosophical vision, and honorable character, Dr. T. F. Chen is a true Renaissance Man who embodies the merging of Western and Eastern Cultures. Neo-Iconography is a daring new form of communication. It unites East and West, past and present, by organizing and combining familiar "icons" in unfamiliar ways. Like a passionate art collector, Dr. Chen assembles images he treasures and places them together in contexts that defy time, space, and cultural barriers; to create a new painting with a new meaning. Dr. T.F. Chen has produced more than 1,000 paintings in his signature Neo-I style and has published over 20 books in English, Chinese and French concerning his art and his theories of an upcoming Global New Renaissance. Recognized as "one of the twenty most influential artists in the world today” (Dr. Thomas McEvilley, art critic), Chen has conducted more than 100 one-man exhibitions worldwide. Chen's works are featured in over 150 books, (including the art history textbook, Art and Ideas), countless articles, newspapers, etc.; and are collected widely. His series include "The Spirit of Liberty," "Humanity," "Post - Van Gogh," "East - West," "Space Age," “War and Peace,” "Princess Diana," "9/11," etc. There are many ways to get involved and make a cultural contribution. Please visit our site at Thank you.