
2015 年 9 月 28 日

2006-2010 The Art For Humanity Exhibition

T.F. Chen Cultural Center, SoHo NYC: This bold, powerful exhibit showcases 30 original paintings by Dr. Chen as well as dozens of available prints. Many of these major works have been shown at the United Nations, the State of the World Forum, the God & World Peace Conference, etc. All sales of Museum Store gift items, art books and prints go towards raising funds for the “Art For Humanity World Tour.” Group tours available.
2015 年 9 月 29 日

2004 Artist-In-Residence, Paris

This summer 2004, Cite des Arts Paris has invited Dr. Chen to be an Artist-in-Residence at their school in Paris, France. Dr. Chen painted Parisian landscapes and exhibited these new works at the school from Sept. 8 – 18 th, 2004
2015 年 9 月 29 日

2004 Tourism For Peace Dr. Chen’s “A Glance of Taiwan” Exhibit To Promote Taiwan’s “Tourism For Peace.” (At the T.F. Chen Cultural Center, 2fl; 5/13 – 5/24, 2004).

For Taiwanese-American Heritage Week in NYC, the T.F. Chen Cultural Center hosted an exhibition of Taiwanese landscape paintings by Dr. T.F. Chen from May 13th – 24th, 2004 at the Center’s second floor gallery. Chen maintains studios both in New York and Taipei and has continued to work and exhibit internationally. When he is in Taiwan, Chen loves to paint landscapes that express the remarkable beauty of his beloved homeland. Although the natural environment of the “Ilha Formosa” has been affected by modernization, Chen points out that one would still be astonished by the exquisite scenery that he has experienced deep in the countryside, along the seashores and high up in the mountains.Having toured the island countless times in his career, Dr. Chen has captured the landscape of Taiwan from north to south. Of particular interest, he has painted landscapes from Danshui, Yangming-shan, Honghsi, Yeliu, Hwalien, Kending, Tainan, Mt. Ali, Mt. Jade, and Meilong, to name a few.Since “Tourism for Peace” has become an international movement, Dr. Chen, as the recipient of the Global Tolerance Award, would like to employ his art towards that purpose. As many of the aforementioned sites have been promoted for tourism in Taiwan, it seems that Dr. Chen’s very appropriate place to start. exhibitions_clip_image002_0003 exhibitions_clip_image004
2015 年 9 月 29 日

Since 1970, Dr. T. F. Chen has held more than 200 one-man shows in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Dr. Chen’s recent and current exhibitions include:

250Lafayette-1stFlFront Dr. T. F. Chen shows permanently in his Museum Building at 250 Lafayette Street in SoHo, NYC.
museum_01 On April 20th, 2002, Dr. Chen opened his exhibit at the Jacob Gelt Dekker Institute for Advanced Cultural Studies on the occasion of the Grand Opening of Kura Hulanda, one of the newest and most dynamic World-Class Cultural Centers, located on a Dutch-Colonial UNESCO World Heritage site in Willemstad, Curacao.
WorldFamilyinPeace Dr. Chen exhibited and lectured at the Taiwan Center in San Diego, CA; Houston, TX and in Los Angeles, CA (May 11 - July 30th 2002; January 2003).
ILoveYouSingingAndDancing20012 Dr. Chen's "Jade Mountain: Love and Peace Series" is currently traveling on a three-year touring exhibition in Taiwan (July 20th, 2000 - October 20th, 2002).
Chen-GlobalTolerance5-2 On December 11th, 2001, Dr. T. F. Chen was the first artist-painter to receive a "Global Tolerance Award" from the United Nations. Dr. Chen was honored for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace, tolerance and love; and for his art of multiculturalism; a body of work expressing a shared vision of humanity. As a desig-nated "Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace" with the Friends of the United Nations, Dr. Chen is working in partnership with the FUN for a World Art Campaign called: "Building A Culture of Tolerance and Peace through the Arts."
State_of_the_W_F In 1998 and 2000, Dr. T. F. Chen was invited to exhibit his masterpieces at the State of the World Forum. The State of the World Forum 2000 brought together over 1,000 key leaders from around the world in the fields of business, politics, science, technology, education, and the humanities in a combination of lectures, roundtable discussions, and social events focused on issues affecting us all. For more information on the State of the World Forum, please visit