Art for Humanity Series

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In 2001, Dr. Tsing-fang Chen received (UN) “Global Tolerance Award” through the “Friends of the United Nations”, and designated “Cultural Ambassador of Tolerance and Peace”. Hence Dr. Chen and his wife Lucia used to be invited by international organizations to hold exhibitions and give speeches on Dr. Chen’s “5-Dimensional World Culture” which promote a global new Renaissance in “Love”.

As humanity entered into an age of Global Village with high-tech, under the universal value of Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights, “Love” and “Peace” become the shared goal for humanity in our 21st century, especially after 9/11 incident, for the benefits of human beings, the accelerated advance of high-tech needs the enhancing progress of Humanism to match and in balance. Such as Dr. Chen said in the United Nations : “Art can be used as the vehicle for transforming and unifying the world. The United Nations has taken initiatives to utilize the artistic, cultural, religious and spiritual communities to contribute to creating world peace and harmony. These valuable spheres of humanity can act s a compelling force, along with our political, economic, and military efforts. For in this age of advanced technology, beside “hardware” and “software”, we are also called to cultivate “Soulware”, a new spirit of Love and Globalism…… and I am grateful that my art, termed as “Neo-Iconography,” an art for humanity’s sake, can be used in this meaningful challenge.” That Dr. Chen’s art Neo-Iconography, which unites East and West, past and present, by organizing and combining familiar “icons”(images with symbolic meanings) from around the world, to express ideas/ideals, vision/message, is used to launch an “Art for Humanity” World Tour by the “Friends of the United Nations” etc. for art education in building a “Culture of Peace and Tolerance”.”


In 1969, on the occasion of the American astronauts landing on the Moon, Dr. Chen realized that our cultural ecology is shifting from “divergence” to “convergence” and established his “5-Dimensional World Culture” in theory and generated his art expression in Neo-Iconography. Hence Dr. Chen combined his art with several human-civilized celebrations such as in “Liberty Lady series” for the Centennial Celebration of the Statue of Liberty, the “Post-van Gogh series,” “Beijing Olympics series,” and “Shanghai World Expo. Series” etc. All are part of Dr. Chen’s “Art for Humanity” art creation which started with his 1969 “Space series,” “East and West series,” and “Humanity series” as followings: