Art-Loving Napoleon

Riding Towards the Pacific
2015 年 8 月 5 日
Music-Loving Napoleon
2015 年 8 月 5 日

Art-Loving Napoleon

Art-Loving Napoleon

#92024     48” X 36”     oc

  • David: “Napoleon in His Studio”
  • Renoir: “On the Terrace” (1881)
  • Gauguin: “Two Women on the Beach” (1891)
  • Picasso: “La Toilette” (1906)

This painting by T. F. Chen could be well classified into his “Happy Collectors Series”. Napoleon, a passionate collector of beautiful fine objects, would certainly collect Picasso’s, Gauguin’s and Renoir’s artworks to put together with his portraits by David.

Renoir’s “On the Terrace” was widely admired by the public as well as artists. The intimate mother-child apparition used to be a sight of a secure and happy society. Here we see a slightly pensive mother and an innocent pretty girl on the terrace in a soft and warm spring day. The bright red accounts are drown from the mother’s modish hat to the basket of fruits into the child’s headgear, together enhancing the brightness and serenity of the surrounding. In Chen’s new scenario, Napoleon stands behind them as to take a souvenir photo for their visit. What in their relationship?

On the wall of Napoleon’s study, hung two masterpieces of modern artists: Gauguin and Picasso. Gauguin might serve as the Emperor’s missioner, to Tahiti as his exotic paintings were so inspiring. Picasso, being a Napoleon in art, would be respected by the Emperor for his talent. The silky white color on Napoleon’s uniform knit marvelously the three above-mentioned unities in an accordance of harmony and mutual-enrichment.


– T. F. Chen