Wedding Above the Village

painting Yehliu
2015 年 8 月 11 日
Painting Irises
2015 年 8 月 11 日
Painting Irises
2015 年 8 月 11 日
painting Yehliu
2015 年 8 月 11 日

Wedding Above the Village

#09014     77 X 101 cm     ac     1991

The juxtaposition of complementary colors “the Chagall sky with the van Gogh landscape” excites the eye. When van Gogh painted Starry Night, he was lonely and unhappy, a victim of unrequited love who, more than anything,wished for a wife and family. Chagall’s exuberant Song of Songs images present a wish fulfillment: love, mutual bless, and evelasting joy. Although it was impossible on the physical plane to grant van Gogh a portion of happiness, through the merging of his work wih the transcendent sweetness of Chagall’s, Chen bestows a subconscious blessing. In a time out of time, and a place out of place, van Gogh can enjoy love and peace.