Tourist Attraction

Vive le Travail
2015 年 8 月 17 日
Pray Under Tiantan
2015 年 8 月 17 日
Pray Under Tiantan
2015 年 8 月 17 日
Vive le Travail
2015 年 8 月 17 日

Tourist Attraction

#06006     142 X 198 cm     oc     2006

With the Olympic Games in Beijing quickly approaching, the tourist enterprise is booming in China. People from all over the world come to enjoy the magnificence of China’s culture, steeped in 5,000 years of history upon a vast continent and in such abundant variety. In this Tourist Attraction, Dr. Chen extends Chagall’s Lovers above the Town (1917) above the Chinese horizon, where we see the silhouettes of the classic Tiantan as well as modern Shanghai. The Great Wall zigzags beneath the mountains.

In this accelerated age of high technology, communication and transportation, we enter into an “Age of Tourism,” as all of humanity becomes more and more-a global village. We all become “world citizens” coming together in an ever-increasingly connected “World Family.”It is important that as we travel our world and appreciate the countless beautiful sites and cultural heritages of our planet, that we also learn to love and protect them, for the generations to come.