Tiantan Upon a Chinese Landscape

A Dragon Descending to Tiantan
2015 年 8 月 17 日
Loyal and Faithful Guardians
2015 年 8 月 17 日
Loyal and Faithful Guardians
2015 年 8 月 17 日
A Dragon Descending to Tiantan
2015 年 8 月 17 日

Tiantan Upon a Chinese Landscape

#06007     168 X 86 cm     oc     2006

Generally, Chinese landscape paintings are executed with black ink on silk paper. The lines, treatments and brushstrokes of water and black ink create various treats and shades which suggest density and forms of mountains, trees, clouds, etc. Chinese paintings come from calligraphy while western paintings are derived from three-dimensional sculpture, creating great differences in essence and expression.Attracted by the technique and expression of Western oil painting, Dr. T.F. Chen never painted any Chinese landscape paintings. Yet one day, before a canvas of a size similar to that of a Chinese scroll, he suddenly employed his oil painting materials to paint a Chinese landscape-as a curious adventure and experiment. Here is the outcome! Here is Dr. Chen’s first Chinese landscape painting with a colorful Temple of Heaven upon a Chinese “Mountain and River.”