Seeing is Dreaming

To Die in Spain
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Bonsoir, Lisa!
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Bonsoir, Lisa!
2015 年 7 月 28 日
To Die in Spain
2015 年 7 月 28 日

Seeing is Dreaming

74 X 107 cm     mmp

  • Piero Della Francesca: “Resurrection of Jesus”. Borgo San Sepolcro, Pinacotheque
  • Kandinsky: “Tempered Elan”, 1944. Collection Nina Kandinsky, Paris

Piero della Francesca (1416-1492) was the greatest Italian painter of the middle of the Quattrocento. Starting with Florentine ideas of perspective and space, he was the first to develop geometrical perspective in a systematic way, and his preoccupation with studies in perspective and mathematics led to his virtual abandonment of painting the last two decades of his life. His reputation languished until he was rediscovered in the nineteenth century. Historians call him a revelator of a new vision, a term which, with justification, has been used from time to time to describe new painters, including Tsing-fang Chen.