Love Our Planet

Blessed Love
2015 年 7 月 28 日
War and Peace
2015 年 7 月 28 日
War and Peace
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Blessed Love
2015 年 7 月 28 日

Love Our Planet

130 X 86 cm     ac

  • Monet: “Haystack” (1890)

The astronauts’ landing on the Moon and taking photo of our Earth floating upon the horizon of the Moon caused us a big chock! Contrary to our accustomed sight and conception the Earth becomes the Moon and the Moon becomes the Earth in the photo. This makes us to think.Chen put Monet’s “Haystack” on the Moon. What’s the significance?

The Moon is but rocks, small or big. No grass, no flower, no insect, no dog, no cat, no man neither woman, nothing, empty …… Compare to our Earth, even a haycock on the Moon will be a miracle.

Maybe in this vast Universe, only our Planet has life. Are we alone? At least, even with high-tech, we haven’t discovered life on any another planet.

Life is the gift of God. Our planet is populated with life, in myriad of forms, since millions of years.

How lucky to be born on Earth, live on the planet and conscious of the preciousness of our existence, because our Earth, no matter how small and fragile, is blessed with Life and Love.

So, our planet is the most brilliant diamond among God’s creation, ours is the most precious pearl on God’s palm. How can we not love our planet?!


– T. F. Chen