I Love You Singing & Dancing

Arts and Arms
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Jade Mountain
2015 年 7 月 29 日
Jade Mountain
2015 年 7 月 29 日
Arts and Arms
2015 年 7 月 28 日
 Popular_09_ILoveYouSinging &Dancing_我爱你,载歌载舞

I Love You Singing & Dancing

#00012     66″ X 78″      Limited Edition Print     2000

Based on several images of Taiwanese aborigines taken with camera by some Japanese anthropologists in 1930s, T.F. Chen painted a paradise scene in real life on the Beautiful Island, Formosa.

The silhouette of the central mountains, picked by the Mount Jade, is the everlasting skyline of the region often covered by an ocean of fog, upon green valley. Living harmoniously with the nature the aborigines cherish their tradition, a ritual culture rich in singing and dancing of a genuine and authentic expression.

Watched by the tribe relatives, a group of young ladies is performing a ritual dance as a morning prayer, a tribute to the sky, earth and creatures around them. High and deep in the heart of the island, they live not with the calendar and watch but with the Sun and the Moon. Reverent the whole Universe, such self-sustaining community leads a kind of utopian life, ignoring the ups and downs of the outside world.

This painting is now in the Presidential Palace in Taiwan, presented by a group of art-loving entrepreneurs.