Five Racesin Harmony 1

Under Violence
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Happy Valentine’s Day, America!
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Happy Valentine’s Day, America!
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Under Violence
2015 年 7 月 28 日

Five Racesin Harmony 1

#84003     130 X 98 cm     ac

  • Matisse: “Dance” (1909)

Besides van Gogh, T. F. Chen was attracted to Matisse’s art, due to the master’s poetic expression in vivid color combination and simplified yet fluent lines.In 1969 while in Paris, Chen established his “Five-Dimensional World Culture” view and initiated “Neo-Iconography”. Since then he has been sensitive to “Five” and looked into its significance, as perfection, harmony, cooperation, unity in variety, maximum in minimum etc. Such suggestion may be discovered in Human body: 5 fingers, 5 organs, 5 senses, and in our planet: 5 elements, 5 continents, 5 races of humankind etc.

The 5 dancers in Matisse’s “Dance” have inspired T. F. Chen in composing several paintings. In this painting, the 5 dancers are transformed into representation of 5 races, hand in hand for a world family, united in harmony. Such kind of relationship can only happen through “Love”, represented here by “A”, as the way, the rule and the starting point of such a development, needed urgently in our new century.


– T. F. and Julie Chen