Five Races in Harmony 2

Happy Valentine’s Day, America!
2015 年 7 月 28 日
God Is Love
2015 年 7 月 28 日
God Is Love
2015 年 7 月 28 日
Happy Valentine’s Day, America!
2015 年 7 月 28 日

Five Races in Harmony 2

#84008     130 X 98 cm     ac

Since the Olympic Games started in Greece, the spirit of fair game, the sportsmanship, the competition in democracy is regarded as a virtue to human civilization. Every four years the whole world participates and watches the games. It’s the moment of excitement and unity, competition and respect, harmony and brotherhood, as the five rings in different colors of the Game’s logo combine into a beautiful unity.The ancient Olympic Games in Greece included the competition in music and poems. The nowadays extravaganza of the opening and closing ceremonies become a manifestation of collective creativity and dramatized discipline – a real feast to the eye, on field or through media. The Olympic Game is a uniting force of humanity for our Global Village. It’s an international event to be promoted, especially after the 9/11 incident, in which hiding attacks are contrast to sportsmanship and secret confrontation takes place of fair competition.Only “Trust” and “Love” can secure world peace, only “Fair” and “Justice” can bring to us “Trust” and “Love”.

– T. F. Chen