Art Books

Photo_01_陈锦和他的后梵高系列tf chen pvg book     Photo_02_侯幸君和Dr.Jan Hulsker夫婦一起欣賞陳錦芳的畫冊

Books by T.F. Chen:
1. Days in Paris
2. Dream Toward the New Renaissance
3. Taiwan Boy’s Dream of the World
4. 21st Century, Taiwan!
Books and Art Albums:
5. Yushan Series and Variations
6. One Hundred Works of the Statue of Liberty
7. Toward an Age of Love (英文)
8. T.F. Chen: Sixty Years of Retrospect and Prospect
9. The Postmodern Art of T.F. Chen – Neo-Iconography
10. The Art of T.F. Chen – Neo-Iconography
11. T.F. Chen’s Neo-Iconography – Post-Van Gogh Series
12. T.F. Chen’s Neo-Iconography – Postmodern Painting for Humanity
13.T.F. Chen’s Neo-Iconography (Written by Lawrence Jeppson)
14.r. T.F. Chen’s Art and the 2008 Olympics
15. Art for Humanity – World Tour Exhibition Album

1.Days in Paris (在巴黎的日子)

01_在巴黎的日子My Days in Paris_M

T.F. Chen’s diary during his study in France, titled “Days in Paris,” documents the European art trends and developments of the 1960s. The preface praises Chen’s growth experience in a foreign land, which not only reflects the collective memory of Taiwanese intellectuals studying abroad in the 1960s but also serves as an exemplary model of how an artist creates new ideas and incorporates them into a new theory.

“Days in Paris” is divided into three volumes, with over 600,000 words and 1,660 pages, featuring more than 300 illustrations. This diary is not only an indispensable primary source for studying the history of post-war Taiwanese art but also provides insights into the early thoughts of Chen’s “Neo-Iconography.” It is a natural display of Chen’s literary talent, showcasing his dual expertise in writing and painting. Many parts of his actual diaries in Paris can be appreciated and studied as literary works.


2.Dream Toward the New Renaissance (夢向新文藝復興)

02_夢向新文藝復Dream of a New Renaissance 興

This book compiles five passionate and insightful essays by the author, all revolving around a single dream: a new Renaissance for all humanity, grounded in love and the harmonious coexistence and mutual prosperity of a global family in the “global village.” These five essays, spanning 22 years, vary in length and context but are connected by a common theme. They reflect the author’s personal experiences and thoughts integrated with the shared understanding and experiences of the era.

Price: USD$20

Buy one get one free until March 31st.

3. Taiwan Boy’s Dream of the World (台灣少年世界夢)


A book can change a person’s life.

This book chronicles the journey of a Taiwanese boy from 1930 to 2010, pursuing his dream of the world through art. It records the life of an ordinary yet self-aware individual who, in 1963, won a French government scholarship and, with just a hundred dollars, embarked alone from Taiwan to Paris, then New York, and eventually the world. This arduous journey, blending the cultures of Europe, Asia, and America, led to innovative development and bore witness to the collective ideals and challenges faced by humanity during the era of globalization from post-World War II to today.

“Life is short, art is eternal.” Using art to step onto the world stage, promoting “Art for Humanity” and a global new Renaissance, this book is written as a dream book for Taiwanese youth. (out of print)

4.21st Century, Taiwan! ( 21世紀,臺灣!)


This book analyzes and argues around Taiwanese culture and the global new Renaissance, combining rich literary style with confidence and hope. It offers a vision for Taiwan and the world in the 21st century, emphasizing that everything begins with individuals “living out” the new Renaissance. The publication aims to spark discussions and inspire collective thinking about Taiwan’s future direction, seeking a consensus to face the great challenges of this era together.

Price: USD$35

5.Yushan Series and Variations 「玉山系列與變奏」


Created by T.F. Chen, published in March 2000 by New Concept Magazine, this 184-page art album emphasizes both poetry and painting. The Yushan series of paintings appear alongside the artist’s own poems, highlighting his dual talent in both literature and art.

Price: USD$35

Buy one get one free until March 31st.

6.One Hundred Works of the Statue of Liberty (自由女神百副聯作)


In 1986, to celebrate the centennial of the Statue of Liberty, T.F. Chen painted one hundred portraits of her. These works showcase the Statue of Liberty’s rich symbolism and connotations, as well as imaginative and associative elements that are both intricate and grand, drawing on extensive references and diverse styles.

Apart from featuring one hundred color artworks, the book also includes short essays and poems for each piece. Additionally, it contains articles by art critic Lawrence Jeppson and the artist himself, a preface by Congressman Stephen Solarz, and a poem by the poet laureate Honorable Sir Leonard Conner. This compilation is a rare combination of literature and art.

The book has become a textbook or reference book in many middle and elementary schools and is also a collectible for freedom lovers. It is commemorated annually on the Statue of Liberty’s birthday.

Price: USD$30

8. T.F. Chen: Sixty Years of Retrospect and Prospect(陳錦芳六十回顧與前瞻)

08_陳錦芳60回顧與前瞻_Dr.TFChen's Retrospective1951-1996_M

This book is divided into several sections:

  • Section A: T.F. Chen’s Taiwan Period (1951-1963) and Paris Period (1963-1975).
  • Section B: New York and Taiwan Period (1992-1996), featuring recent works and representative pieces from the Neo-Iconography movement.
  • Section C: Paris Period and New York Period (1970-1994), showcasing variations in local art and Symbolic Text Art.
  • Section D: Life and artistic activities.

This art book compiles half a century of T.F. Chen’s works, containing a total of 191 pages and 161 color illustrations. Through its origins, explanations, reflections, and artworks, it offers a comprehensive study of the artist’s evolving style and background throughout his life journey.

The book provides an in-depth introduction to Chen’s art, thoughts, and the transformation of his artistic style over fifty years. From traditional painting during his teenage years in Taiwan to text art, abstract expressionism, Taiwanese folklore, local art imagery, and eventually to Neo-Iconography, Chen established the position of Neo-Iconography in the history of world art, becoming a world-class master.

This artistic journey, created in various environments from Taiwan, Paris, and the United States, to traveling around the world for exhibitions since 1984, reflects the artist’s growth and efforts, making it a subject worth studying. It is highly educational and inspirational.

Price: USD$35

Buy one get one free until March 31st.

9.T.F. Chen: Sixty Years of Retrospect and Prospect (陳錦芳六十回顧與前瞻)

09_陳錦芳的藝術-新意象派T. F. Chen’s Post-Modern Art Neo-Iconography_M

This book is divided into several sections:

  • Section A: T.F. Chen’s Taiwan Period (1951-1963) and Paris Period (1963-1975).
  • Section B: New York and Taiwan Period (1992-1996), featuring recent works and representative pieces from the Neo-Iconography movement.
  • Section C: Paris Period and New York Period (1970-1994), showcasing variations in local art and Symbolic Text Art.
  • Section D: Life and artistic activities.

This art book compiles half a century of T.F. Chen’s works, containing a total of 191 pages and 161 color illustrations. Through its origins, explanations, reflections, and artworks, it offers a comprehensive study of the artist’s evolving style and background throughout his life journey.

The book provides an in-depth introduction to Chen’s art, thoughts, and the transformation of his artistic style over fifty years. From traditional painting during his teenage years in Taiwan to text art, abstract expressionism, Taiwanese folklore, local art imagery, and eventually to Neo-Iconography, Chen established the position of Neo-Iconography in the history of world art, becoming a world-class master.

This artistic journey, created in various environments from Taiwan, Paris, and the United States, to traveling around the world for exhibitions since 1984, reflects the artist’s growth and efforts, making it a subject worth studying. It is highly educational and inspirational.

10. The Art of T.F. Chen: Neo-Iconography (陳錦芳的藝術: 新意象派)

10_陳錦芳的 藝術-新意象派The Art of Dr. T. F. Chen Neo-Iconography_M

In addition to featuring 100 color images of the artworks, each piece is introduced and interpreted by Lawrence Jeppson, a consultant to the National Museum of the United States and an art critic. T.F. Chen himself elaborates on the “Five-Dimensional World Culture” theory that underpins his creations, detailing his artistic perspectives and approaches in the text included in this art album. This combination of artworks and textual documentation helps guide readers into the world of “Neo-Iconography,” offering a multidimensional experience of art appreciation and exploration.

This 240-page richly illustrated art album provides a museum-like experience with detailed guidance and explanations. Currently, the style of “Neo-Iconography” is reflected in some forms of computer art. Despite the absence of computers at its inception in 1969, T.F. Chen’s art has transcended time and technology, pioneering the field of computer-synthesized art. This collection of thoughts and expressions offers a glimpse into this innovative art movement and serves as a valuable reference for the art community and cultural historians. It also stands as an intriguing and surprising example for those concerned with cultural development.

Price: USD$100.

11. T.F. Chen: Neo-Iconography – Post-Van Gogh Series (陳錦芳的新意象派-後梵谷系列)

11_陳錦芳的新意象派-後梵谷系列The Art of Dr. T. F. Chen Neo-Iconography Post VanGogh Series_M

Dr. T.F. Chen (a painter and thinker who studied in France and lived in the United States) has been called the “Heir of Van Gogh” by Dr. Hoskco, the former Dutch Minister of Culture and a world authority on Van Gogh. Chen’s unique “Post-Van Gogh Series” includes over a hundred artworks and documents, published together in one book. This publication integrates Van Gogh’s art with the broader context of world art history, showcasing innovative and diverse postmodern expressions. It is an essential book for studying Van Gogh and contemporary art, as well as a valuable collectible. Price: USD$50..

Buy one get one free until March 31st.

12 T.F. Chen: Neo-Iconography – Postmodern Painting for Humanity (陳錦芳的新意象派-為人類而藝術的後現代繪畫)


The Art of T.F. Chen: Neo-Iconography (Chinese Edition)

This book was published for T.F. Chen’s United Nations World Art Movement “Art for Humanity World Tour Exhibition.” It documents the details surrounding T.F. Chen receiving the United Nations “Global Tolerance Award,” including the letter from the United Nations explaining why the award was given to him. It features T.F. Chen’s acceptance speech at the UN, reviews of his Neo-Iconography, and his art centered on global Renaissance of love.

The book includes significant works and annotations, with a fold-out page titled “Welcoming the 21st Century, World Cultural Symphony.” It also showcases important prints and art gifts from the T.F. Chen Cultural Center. This comprehensive presentation of T.F. Chen’s significant artistic life is highly worth reading and studying. Price: USD$20.

13.The Art of T.F. Chen: Neo-Iconography「陳錦芳的藝術: 新意象派」

13_陳錦芳的新意象派_TheNeo-IconographyOfTsingFangChen_Lawrence Jeppson

In addition to featuring 100 color images of the artworks, each piece is introduced and interpreted by Lawrence Jeppson, a consultant to the National Museum of the United States and an art critic. T.F. Chen himself elaborates on the “Five-Dimensional World Culture” theory that underpins his creations, detailing his artistic perspectives and approaches in the text included in this art album. This combination of artworks and textual documentation helps guide readers into the world of “Neo-Iconography,” offering a multidimensional experience of art appreciation and exploration.

This 240-page richly illustrated art album provides a museum-like experience with detailed guidance and explanations. Currently, the style of “Neo-Iconography” is reflected in some forms of computer art. Despite the absence of computers at its inception in 1969, T.F. Chen’s art has transcended time and technology, pioneering the field of computer-synthesized art. This collection of thoughts and expressions offers a glimpse into this innovative art movement and serves as a valuable reference for the art community and cultural historians. It also stands as an intriguing and surprising example for those concerned with cultural development.

14.Dr. Chen Jin-fang’s Art and Olympics( 陳錦芳博士的藝術與奧運)

14_陳錦芳奧運特集陳錦芳奧運特集2Dr. T. F. Chen’s “Art and the Olympics an Art for Humanity” _M This book is a rare collection themed around the “Olympics,” rich in historical, cultural, and educational value. It consists of 300 pages, combining theory and creation with abundant illustrations and texts in both Chinese and English. It is a valuable collector’s item for its extensive art education content. Price: USD$150

16.Hand in hand with art and emotions, embracing the world( 牽手藝情擁抱世界)

  • The world’s first book documenting the touching story of a couple who fought for art together for half a century across Europe, Asia, and America.
  • A Taiwanese painter who founded “Neo-Impressionism,” stepping out of “Post-Modernism,” and was included in world art history textbooks. This is the true story of connecting art with the international community and human celebrations.
  • The first Chinese translator of “The Little Prince” who went to study in France in the 1960s with just 100 dollars, was called “the successor of Van Gogh,” and was awarded the United Nations “Global Tolerance Award.” He was honored as the “Ambassador of Tolerance and Peace Culture” to promote the ongoing world tour exhibition “Art for Humanity.” Price: USD$35
  • Buy one get one free until March 31st.

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or call T.F. Chen Cultural Center, NYC at 212-966-4363

Chen Tsing Fang Fine Art Museum ​Taipei ​0929072385(LINE ID)

WeChat ID:TFChen25466222