

The Arts For Humanity World Tour organizes innovative and empowering art exhibits, cultural

events, music concerts and educational programs, focusing on peace, cultural harmony and uplifting our youth.

We invite you to help us to foster the value of Art and Music as powerful vehicles for global peace. Please join

us as a member, arrange or sponsor an event in your area, or work with us directly.


It is in this spirit that the T.F. Chen Arts For Humanity Foundation initiates the .Arts For Humanity

World Tour. — to promote the Arts not just for art.s sake, but .Arts For Humanity.s Sake. . Art that focuses on

and furthers a Culture of Peace and Harmony for us all.

Specifically, the goals of this World Tour are:

  • To promote the utilization of Art and Music as tools towards expanding Cultural Harmony
  • To promote Art and Music Education as powerful means to build Character and Humanity

among the world.s youth

  • To mobilize and empower the youth to embrace the Arts to express their vision of Global Harmony
  • To mobilize and empower the Arts & Cultural communities of each participating country towards the creation of a Global Culture of Peace
  • To reinforce the use of .Arts For Humanity.s sake. through the art and philosophies of Dr. T.F. Chen and other visionaries

Culture_09_Education&CulturalAchievement(880310)Celebrating Education & Culture by Dr. T.F. Chen



The Arts For Humanity World Tour seeks to involve the youth as well as the Arts and Cultural

organizations and ministries in countries spanning six continents. The centerpiece of the World Tour as it visits

each country is the Arts For Humanity Festival, a 3-Day or 6-Day Festival meant to be a catalyst for the region.s

own Art & Cultural activities.

The Tour.s Program includes a schedule of:

  • The Art For Humanity Exhibit by Master Artist, Dr. T.F. Chen
    (A rare exhibit of 20-30 paintings reflecting the achievements of our humanity and inspiring worldwide cultural harmony and progress)
  • Music Concerts in different genres, by renowned performers
  • “Art for Kids Day” for local school groups to come in and enjoy guided tours and art workshops, aimed at encouraging children to produce their own vision of global harmony
  • “Music for Kids Day” for local school groups to come in and enjoy music lessons, aimed at demonstrating music as a key to building harmony
  • Free interactive tours of the Exhibit open to the public
  • The launching of further projects and programs that will contribute to the vision of “Arts For Humanity” – Expanding Cultural Harmony.

At each site, we intend to involve the local Arts and Cultural communities. We are inviting the First Ladies and Cultural Ministers of each participating country to become Board Members and to have them suggest their own region.s renowned Artists and Musicians to exhibit and perform at the festival as well. An integral part of the Festival Programs is an inspired exchange among all of the Artists and Musicians together (of both our Tour and the local communities that we visit). In addition, we are creating a film documentary and publishing a book regarding the World Tour.

26-團結在自由女神之下(85040)-UnitedAroundLibertyLady-168x213公分-66x84英寸-acUnited Around Liberty Lady by Dr. T.F. Chen



 Countries  Cities
 USA East Coast Leg: New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Atlanta, ChicagoWest Coast Leg: Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego
 Canada   Vancouver, Toronto
 Japan  Tokyo, Hiroshima
 China  Beijing, Shanghai
 Taiwan  Taipei, Tainan, Taichung, Kaohsiung
 Korea  Seoul
 England  London
 France  Paris, Cannes
 Switzerland  Zurich, Basel
 Italy  Florence, Rome, Milan
 Spain  Barcelona, Madrid
 Germany  Frankfurt, Berlin
 Holland  Amsterdam
 Russia  Moscow
 S.Africa  Johannesburg
Australia  Sydney
Brazil Sao Paolo

Popular_08_WorldFamilyInPeace_天下一家World Family in Peace by Dr. T.F. Chen


We warmly welcome and invite your participation in the Arts For Humanity World Tour.

Please visit our website for more information on how to participate.


Arts For Humanity