Flower Expo
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The year 2011 is the Centennial Celebration of the establishment of the Republic of China, now on Taiwan, originally on Mainland China but transformed to Taiwan in 1949. The celebration focused on holding an International Floral Exposition around the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. The festival attracted Dr. Chen the most is an arrangement of flowers like an ocean, with million and million flowers forming an ocean, with same genre of flowers but in different colors, repeating, inter-crossing in multiple ways like a vast flower-ocean, extending to over several hundred and hundred meters around the Museum. It showcases international competition of floriculture, horticulture, and floral design creations etc. The exposition started November 6, 2010 to April 25, 2011. D. Chen’s “Floral Ocean series” was invited to show at the famous Formosan Regent Hotel in Taipei and in Everrich Airport Headquater and International Airport in Taoyuan in welcoming foreign tourists to Taiwan.