The Arts for Humanity Foundation
The Arts for Humanity Foundation primarily conducts the “Arts For Humanity World Tour” — a five year program initiated by Dr. Chen and the Friends of the United Nations to advance art education and a Global Culture of Peace. The Tour promotes the Arts not just for art’s sake, but “Arts For Humanity’s Sake” – work that focuses on and furthers a Culture of Peace and Harmony for us all. The centerpiece of the Tour is Chen’s “Art for Humanity Series” – a powerful body of works that inspire worldwide cultural harmony and progress. Thus far, the series has shown at such notable sites as the United Nations, the State of the World Forum, and many museums and cultural institutions around the globe.
In 2008, the “Arts for Humanity World Tour” focused on Asia and conducted five grand-scale museum shows in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei. It was a very busy and special time as three of the shows were on view simultaneously during the Beijing Olympics and were widely covered by the media and heavily attended by the international audience at the time.
Other ongoing projects include: an Associate’s Circle for Dr. T.F. Chen’s project of “World Cultural Diplomacy” and a “T.F. Chen Research Fund” to encourage the scholarly study and research on Dr. Chen’s five decades of creation, advocacy and philosophy (research papers that are selected will be rewarded and published).
●Dr. T.F. Chen’s “ Art for Humanity World Tour” was initiated in New York City United Nation 2001 when TF Chen Received Award at UN . on 2008 touring to China