![]() Eiffel Tower Centennial Celebration#89016 48″ X 36″ ac
After a serious intestine surgery which urged Matisse to remain long hours on the bed everyday, he discovered paper cutout (papiers-decoupes) to continue his artistic creation. “Icarus” was among the early trials of this new method in 1943. It depicts a fallen god in black with a red beart floating among stars.In this “Eiffel Tower Centennial Celebration”, T. F. Chen appropriated Matisse’s paper cutout to produce a simple and simplified yet brilliant and modern interpretation of the Eiffel Tower. The silhouette of this Technology Beauty surges from the ground to the dark sky while yellow lights in leaf-shape hovering around the tower like angels singing in the sky. Actually this is Chen’s assumption of Matisse’s treatment of the Eiffel Tower, once he is commissioned. Do you agree?
– T. F. Chen |